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Create Your Own Rituals for Transformation: The Art of Archetypal Rituals

What follows in this blog post are some basic steps to begin building an Archetypal Ritual based practice. As you learn more about the archetypes that you are calling in you can become more specific in your process. For instance, the resources on our website are a great start for knowing the difference between Masculine and Feminine, Light and Dark, also for going deeper into the traits within the 4 core archetypes we use, they have some examples of Gods/Goddesses and movie characters that fit these archetypes.

What Are Rituals?

a person in a red robe, an altar with esoteric tools, a ritual circle made with chalk, candles and an incense burner, shelf of occult books in the background.

Rituals are ceremonies in which we call upon energies and invoke them towards something we wish to create.


  • Use the power of intent and imagination/visualisation

  • Symbols, mantras, and physical gestures as anchors

Different approaches to charge our rituals:

  • Breath meditation / chi building exercises

  • Symbols

  • Archetypes

  • Colours

  • Music

  • Sounding

  • Sensual embodiment practices

We can use rituals to come home to ourselves, cultivating presence to improve our talents, spiritual development, financial status, relationships and so much more.

Our conscious and unconscious minds are best used in conjunction, so as to be in harmony on the outcome we wish to produce, hence using mindfulness exercises to prepare our state of mind. Inviting change is more powerful than trying to force it.

Rather than imposing your will on others, find ways to connect your will with shared goals and intentions that are healthy for all.

  • If asking for a particular person in a relationship when the other is outside consent, a conditioned desire was prevalent at the time (this is Black Magic). Our archetypal audio programs are a great way to clear past attachments.

  • We recommend anchoring your higher self and releasing attachments and desires that are outside of consent. Also we suggest clear and direct communication when your desires involve others.

You can get highly specific about what you are calling in to your way of being, specific traits of particular characters and historical figures for instance. As you collect your sacred objects / items of power related to the archetypes you are working with and also increase your collection of adornments, it will become easier to "get into character" so to speak.

When in ritual what you are doing is different to acting. While I use the phrase "getting into character", I really mean getting out of your old character/persona and freeing up space for a clearer expression of an aspect of yourself that has been waiting to be expressing.

Note, that while I have done this many times, I hold no attachment to any of these representations and find it useful to let go of archetypes often to see how my true expression is in the moment. That said, my in the moment expressions are informed by all my previous explorations. As you dance a particular archetype and collect songs relevant to you and this archetype over time and find other activities that help you to drop into the energies you are invoking, your personal practice will evolve.

I enjoy using Ritual to explore Magick, which can be defined as a set of practices that can be used to help us become unglued. It can be a fun experience or it can be a strenuous journey… either can be effective, the beliefs you hold are key.

People usually get stuck because they have associated something with their identity. They may speak to themselves or about themselves in a particular way and hence habituate their own patterns. In this way the words we speak to ourselves, our 'spells' so to speak and our form of grammar or what could have been termed our Grimoire in an older time is forming who we are as a person, our Abra Cadabra - Which in Aramaic means "As I speak I create". Words have power and we can direct our own words to help or hinder us.

An altered state of consciousness is necessary when conducting Magick and can be positively channelled through a ritual… The ritual is a technology in a sense.

There are 3 types of consciousness necessary in addition to entering an Altered state when attempting to conduct Magick.

Witness Consciousness – What is happening in the body and mind without an attachment to it

  • Witness Conscious lies between our fear of an experience and our obsession for an experience

  • There is non-attachment to fear and non-disinterest to an outcome for our obsession and hence it is easier for the outcome to come about it

Creative Consciousness – Visualisation / Intuition

  • By cultivating our ability to visualise, we can more easily see how our desired outcome can come about and what it looks like as a final product in our eyes (creating visual artworks and planning helps build this ability to see what we create before it has manifest)

  • Being able to visualise the final product and hold it in our subconscious allows our intuition to gear our lives towards our planted Magick goals

Focus / Will – Ability to bring attention to where we want it to be

How to Use Perfumes and Tinctures in Rituals

This tranquil landscape image beautifully depicts the use of tinctures and perfumes in rituals. At the center of the scene, a person stands in a ritualistic setting, surrounded by nature's lush greenery and a gentle stream. The foreground features an array of colorful tinctures, bottles, and ritual tools neatly arranged on a wooden table. Candles and an incense burner enhance the spiritual ambiance, while soft sunlight filters through the trees, casting a serene glow. Ideal for articles on holistic practices, ritualistic traditions, and the integration of natural remedies into spiritual routines.

Integrating perfumes and tinctures into your rituals can significantly enhance their potency and effectiveness. Here are some steps you can choose for your ritual practice. Knowing how to structure rituals and the relevant archetypes to invoke for your specific intentions are important when incorporating Hieros Gamos Alchemy products and resources into your practice:

  1. A Pristine State: Enter clear of emotions, use our suggested mindfulness techniques to clear emotions, .

  2. Guides: Call upon your guides and other energetic beings to help you hold the space with gratefulness.

  3. Ground: Connect with the earth, grow a tail and/or roots, even an elevator down to the centre of the Earth, feel yourself connected with heartful compassion to all beings

  4. Setting Intentions: Begin by clarifying your intention for the ritual. What archetype are you choosing to invoke? Know what you intend to achieve or transform through this practice and write this down to solidify your focus. It is important to believe in your power to do this, your faith is your energy investment in yourself.

  5. Timing of Intentions: Your intention choices may reflect what is happening in your life. If you are adept with Astrology you may choose the archetype you work with according to the planetary positions. A basic example of how our solar systems movements may influence your intention can be to consider the moon:

    1. New Moon (Initiation and New Beginnings): The new moon is a time for setting intentions and initiating new projects. Perform a ritual that aligns with the archetypal energy you wish to invoke for your new beginnings. Anoint yourself with Hieros Gamos Alchemy perfumes to anchor your intentions.

    2. Full Moon (Manifestation and Completion): The full moon is a time for manifestation and celebrating achievements. Craft a ritual that honours the archetype associated with your completed goals. Use scents that amplify the energy of celebration and gratitude to integrate what has already manifested.

  6. Shifting Timelines: You are not your past, you are this present moment, and you can state and feel yourself as a new person. As you do this you are tapping into a different universe of reality in which you were a different person. This can also be seen as tapping into the Quantum Field: “I acknowledge other realities when in ritual and ask them to merge timelines for the betterment of all, I intend to shift myself internally and the world externally with benevolence. Coming from the standpoint of the future and present occurring at the same time, we allow for multiple universes to exist, hence a multitude of interconnections and a butterfly effect to be possible. By staying benevolent and considerate of others heartfully, my unique desires are connected in unity and we all benefit, being giving has a sacred reciprocity, so include as many as possible in your good intentions.”

    1. Tapping into new knowledge is possible in this way, without being a goal

    2. Moving about your day with new energy is an easier result for most;

    3. As is choosing to not be perturbed by things that previously bothered you

  7. Breath Presence / Altered Consciousness: This is a huge topic, the breathe is one of our greatest tools and we can choose to breathe in different ways to empower ourselves. The most important part of using the breath is to be present with it. For an in depth exploration of breath as a tool in ritual, some kind of link or PDF. Breath is a great way to enter an altered state of consciousness and charge up a ritual. Here is a list of other ways that I am aware of to enter an altered state of consciousness and charge up the energy of ritual:

    1. Meditation

    2. Mindfulness

    3. Hypnosis

    4. Drum Circles

    5. Ecstatic Dancing

    6. Plant Medicine Induced

    7. Sensual Embodiment Practice

    8. Bliss States

    9. Tiredness

  8. Choose Your Tools: Select the adornments and tools that resonate with your intention. This may include Hieros Gamos Alchemy perfumes and tinctures, candles, crystals, incense, and symbolic objects that represent the archetype you are working with. You can also use visualisation, the creation of symbols and sigils.

  9. Create Sacred Space: Designate a space for your ritual where you can focus without distractions. Cleanse the area with sage or palo santo to remove any negative energy and set a harmonious tone. Arrange your tools and elements in a way that feels aligned with your intention. We can mark our space by chanting around it, clapping, roaring, using chalk, acknowledging the walls of a room.

  10. Create an Altar: Your Altar can be used to bless objects that will represent the rituals work at a later date, the objects placed on your altar can also empower your associating certain energies from previous rituals into the current one. Altars are useful as a focal point of your energies and as a place to call energies in from. Putting energy into the formation of your altar increases your focus during your ritual so that you are more precise in the application of your intention. Like a roadmap each object on your altar can represent so much and as such your altar can be a symbol that conveys much information and that your subconscious can use to show you signs as you allow your body to alter the altar during your ritual.

  11. Invoke the Archetype: Begin the ritual by invoking the archetype you wish to work with. You can do this through visualisation, calling upon the archetype aloud, using an invocation prayer and reading poetry that you have written or is written by another. Apply the chosen Hieros Gamos Alchemy perfume or tincture to anoint yourself and enhance the connection. As you engage in this stage of your ritual visualise and feel the energy of the archetype entering your being.

  12. Engage in Ritual Actions: Perform actions that symbolise your intention. This could include lighting candles, meditating, journaling, chanting, or performing specific movements. I Iove dancing to feel the way particular archetypes move and painting so my subconscious can show me relevant symbols in my journey. As we know, movement brings change into the body and as we know, what happens within also happens without. Allow your intuition to guide you in creating actions that feel powerful and meaningful. If you are using our products feel free to use them at multiple points during your ritual to anchor the power of your ritual to the memory of our scents and with the use of our products for your everyday use to be enhanced.

  13. Use Our Audios: We have crafted audios with clearing statements and various levels of affirmations for each archetype that can be used to enhance your connection with specific archetypes.

  14. Close the Ritual: Conclude your ritual by expressing gratitude to the archetype and any spiritual guides you may have called upon. Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths or engaging in a grounding activity like walking barefoot on the earth. IMPORTANT DECISION POINT: Depending on your personal philosophy you may burn your written intentions and sigil at this point, another option is to stride boldly forward, share your ritual with others and reflect on what you have entered into as a sacred contract. I have done both. The destroying of the rituals memory and ritual objects exploration may have come from fear that my conscious and subconscious minds were lacking alignment, so as a back up plan to avoid dirtied intent and mistrust of myself I did everything I could to banish ritual processes from my mind. I would visually dissolve my bubble of energy created, physically clean a space, burn objects and verbally state phrases to wipe the ritual from my mind. Now I choose to reinforce my rituals and then focus on the beauty of the present moment, this feels more integrated and what follows are steps that support this.

  15. Reflect and Integrate: After the ritual, take some time to reflect on your experience. Write down any insights or feelings that arose. Consider how you can integrate the archetypal energy into your daily life and practices.

  16. Informing: People can become used to us being what they remember of us and sometimes, their memories have served to keep us in a box.

    1. Tell the people closest to you about who you are becoming now.  

    2. Ask for their support of your new self.

    3. Give them support and they will support you back

Are You Ready to deepen your archetypal journey experiential? Visit our product page to explore our collection of archetypal perfumes and tinctures. Each blend is crafted to support your unique path, helping you embody the energies you wish to invoke.

By integrating Hieros Gamos Alchemy's perfumes and tinctures into your rituals, you can harness the alchemical power of scent and flower essences to transform your practice and enhance your connection with archetypal energies. Embrace this sensory journey and discover the profound impact it can have on your path of self-discovery and transformation.

Seeking Specific Guidance? We have a list of practitioners that regularly coach we recommend you to work with.

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